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Brant Skills Centre Powered In Part By Ontario Trillium Foundation

Brant Skills Centre is pleased to announce that they are in the second year of a two year project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

The funding allows Brant Skills Centre to provide essential skill training in rural areas throughout Brant County.  Essential skills include reading, writing, numeracy, computer use, document use, thinking skills, and working with others.  The areas served include Burford, Cainsville, Paris, Scotland, and St. George.  Service to other rural areas within Brant County is also being looked into. 

Utilizing the skills of the Project Coordinator and Instructor, Bryan Covey as well as trained volunteer tutors, programs are delivered weekly.  The focus of the programs is on helping people improve their essential skills so that they may increase their independence, go on to further education and training, or obtain and maintain employment. The programs being delivered under this grant include but are not limited to:

1. Reading , writing, and numeracy tutoring

  • After an initial assessment and discussion about what the learner wants and needs to learn, the learner is matched with a trained volunteer tutor.
  • Tutoring takes place in a small group or one-to-one setting usually in a library or community room.

2. Computer workshops – In partnership with Building Connected Communities and the County of Brant Libraries, the following workshops are delivered using Brant Skills Centre’s travelling computer and iPad lab:  

  • Computer Basics
  • Internet
  • Email
  • iPad (for home or work)
  • GED /Online Learning information
  • Microsoft Word
  • Social Networking

Volunteers and new partnerships are always welcome, so if you would like to volunteer or have a location you would like to have Brant Skills Centre programs delivered, give them a call at 519-758-1664 or email info@brantskillscentre.org