Become a Tutor
Why Tutor?
- To help adults (age 18 and up) learn or improve upon the following skills:
- Reading
- Writing
- Numeracy
- Essential skills
How Do I Become A Tutor?
- Application
- Criminal Records Check
- All tutors must complete a 12 hour Laubach Basic Tutor Workshop plus yearly upgrading workshops
- Have strong reading and writing skills
- Other criteria may apply
What Are The Tutors Responsibilities?
- Tutor your learner a minimum of one 2 hour session per week; two sessions a week if possible
- Commit to tutoring for a minimum of one year
- Plan and prepare for weekly lessons
- Keep a written record of your tutoring hours and preparation time
- Keep a written record of student progress
- Report progress and tutoring hours to office monthly
- Call your learner if you must cancel
- Call the office if you have any concerns or questions
- Provide your learner with encouragement
- Treat your learner with respect and as a peer